GoldenEye 64 is largely considered one of the best games for the Nintendo 64 (and one of the best games ever, too), and maybe that's why it looks even better in HD using the Unreal Engine.
Super Mario 64 is one of the best games ever made, at least in my opinion that is.
It has stellar platforming, fun game play, and changed how 3-D games would be made from that point forward. It was also the first Nintendo 64 video game that I ever owned.
Over the years, the graphics have not aged well and there is always a possibility of an HD remake right?
18 years ago...18 freakin' years ago! This juggernaut of awesomeness was unveiled to the masses. I remember this being the last video game console I received with a childish amount of excitement, cause I was a kid. Hard to believe that the Nintendo 64 is 18 years old.
I was really starting to look through all of the Games to Try Before You Die posts and see what I have not done! As I was looking through, I can't beleive that I have not done this one yet! How could I miss it? This game was amazing! This is the game that changed how we play 3D platformers! It's freakin' Super Mario 64!
Not so recently, I did a post of my favorite Super Nintendo games, and it was a very difficult list to come up with. After the Super Nintendo, the next console that I owned was the Nintendo 64. Honestly, it was the last game console that I was TRULY excited about...
When the Nintendo 64 showed up on the scene, we got some great 3D platforming games. Super Mario 64, Conkers Bad Fur Day, Donkey Kong 64, etc. We also got a TON of racing games! That little analog stick on the controller worked great for racers, especially the futuristic racer, F-Zero X.
The original Star Fox was revolutionary for it's time, with the super awesome SUPER FX CHIP! Well, nowadays the SUPER FX CHIP looks like crap, but it was still fun. So obviously a sequel was planned for Star Fox named 'Star Fox 2.' We waited, waited, and waited....and it never came out! Good...because of that, Star Fox 64 arrived!
Oh man it's GOLDENEYE! Most of you already know what the heck I am talking about, it's FREAKIN' GOLDENEYE MAN! This game revolutionized first person shooters that we know today. If there was no Goldeneye, what would all nighters be like without 20 cans of Surge, a large bowl of BBQ chips, and 4 friends to punch? (especially if one of them was Oddjob...)