Goodbye 2021 and Hello 2022! If you're ready to get out of the house and slip off the soft pants and slip into something festive, here are some events to consider.
Well we can't out weird those two states but we can out-cool them with the list of things we've been known to drop. Some of the events are put on hold or are changed this year to accommodate for social distancing, but I'm hopeful we'll be gathered next New year's Eve in 2021 to have some fun
Casino management has decided that closing is the best way to help protect guests and staff. Instead, they'll host an invitation-only party on the property on New Year's Eve.
Monday morning it was announced that Pop Evil will be returning to West Michigan to play at the Ball Drop this year along with Puddle of Mudd and others.
Here it is the very last weekend of 2017! Make it a good one. There are several holiday events, hockey, a virtual run, a few concerts, and New Year activities for the kids and the adults. Have Fun!
Christmas is almost hear and there is still so much to do. But, let's not forget the New Year follows close behind. Whether you chose to quietly ring in the new year, or blow it out, here are some ideas for you that the West Michigan Tourist Association has put together.
No one likes a hot mess, especially on New Year's Eve. Nothing ruins an evening more than your overly-celebrating friend yakking on your cute new shoes. But, it happens.
So, I've decided to put together a quick list of ways that you can avoid being "that girl" at whatever New Year's festivities you decide to attend (if you need me, I'll be on my couch in sweatpants drinking wine and watc