1995 was a pretty cool year! Actually I can't quite think about anything else that happened that year. I was still a kid watching Nickelodeon, playing Super Nintendo, playing with Gak, etc.
I loved the video game Mortal Kombat! So when I heard that a Mortal Kombat movie was coming out, I was pretty excited!
While I was on vacation last week, I visited an arcade locate in Ludington. Sadly, the arcade will be closing soon, but it is full of some great machines that you don't see a lot. One of those was the original Mortal Kombat arcade cabinet.
The SNES and Genesis version of the game cannot compare to the difficulty of this game in the arcade, but I accomplished something during my vacation, and I fee
Every new Mortal Kombat game works really hard to out-gore the previous game, and so far, is succeeding! They evolved into other options, like Babalities, Animalities, etc., but still the most exciting thing MK has is the Fatalities.
The X-Rays are pretty brutal, too. So, to celebrate the release of the new Mortal Kombat X, here's a cool video put together by IGN, of all the Fatalities and X-Rays
This game has haunted me for years!
I can beat the first Mortal Kombat game with little to no stress.
But any Mortal Kombat game after that is just insane. While these games are still fun and full of challenge, the final boss of Mortal Kombat 3 is impossible.
Can I beat the legendary Shao Kahn? Not likely.
How awesome would this be? Not only does Mortal Kombat kick ass, but the new Mortal Kombat X is on the horizon. After watching the Clueless Game with Conan O' Brian, this may be the reason I finally purchased a Xbox One or PS4.
You know what would make the game the best? If it included now deceased GWAR vocalist Oderus Urungus.
Mortal Kombat has to be one of the best video games of all time. Yesterday I posted about how I got a top score on Ms. Pac-Man. Also in that same arcade was a classic Mortal Kombat machine. I usually see Mortal Kombat 2 or 3, but I never see the first one. So I popped in a quarter and gave it a shot.