The situation has been so bad for mail service in the region that an Ohio lawmaker is proposing moving the facilities out of Southwest Michigan and into Ohio.
In Swanton, OH, a blue post office drop off box is the talk of the town, getting sensitive Susan's panties in a knot. It was moved just across the parking lot and now people have to get OUT OF THEIR CAR to make a drop-off. BOOHOO KAREN.
Source: ABC13
A Florida man called his local police department after receiving a package in the mail, claiming someone had shipped him coronavirus. Turns out it was just an empty box. WBBH News for Fort Myers, Cape Coral & Naples, Florida
Source: NBC2
John Oliver made some noise recently about churches, and to show how easy it is to found your own tax exempt church, he created Our Lady of Perpetual Exemption. John Oliver is the 'Megareverend' and CEO of the church, that solicited 'seeds' from his viewers, much as the televangelists solicit 'seeds' from theirs.
Unfortunately, a lot of people took the word 'seeds' a bit too literally.
Someone sent Eric Zane some mail to the radio station.
They obviously know how much of a pizza aficionado Zane is. So, they figured he'd enjoy some nice, light reading.