11 Rock + Metal Bands Who’ve Simultaneously Had Two or More Drummers11 Rock + Metal Bands Who’ve Simultaneously Had Two or More DrummersAt least temporarily, these groups had multiple people behind the kit at the same time!Jordan BlumJordan Blum
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Best Pop Song by 10 Classic Prog BandsBest Pop Song by 10 Classic Prog BandsProg going pop wasn't ALWAYS bad, right?Jordan BlumJordan Blum
Best Non-‘Epic’ Song by Classic Prog Rock BandsBest Non-‘Epic’ Song by Classic Prog Rock BandsThese tracks don’t need extreme lengths to be exceptional!Jordan BlumJordan Blum
Least 'Prog' Album by Big Prog BandsLeast 'Prog' Album by Big Prog BandsThese records barely retain their creators’ “prog” trademarks. Jordan BlumJordan Blum
The Heaviest Song by Big '70s Rock BandsThe Heaviest Song by Big '70s Rock BandsThese tracks will get you FIRED UP!Jordan BlumJordan Blum
Best Late Career Albums by Classic Prog BandsBest Late Career Albums by Classic Prog BandsStill going strong after so many years.Jordan BlumJordan Blum
History of Prog Metal in 21 AlbumsHistory of Prog Metal in 21 AlbumsNew to the complex chaos of progressive metal? Then this overview is for you!Jordan BlumJordan Blum
Big Albums Turning 50 This YearBig Albums Turning 50 This YearThey're middle-aged!Lauryn SchaffnerLauryn Schaffner
65 Bands That Only Have One Original Member Left65 Bands That Only Have One Original Member LeftCan you believe there are this many?Philip TrappPhilip Trapp
Robert Fripp Says Video Series With Wife Toyah ‘Upset Some King Crimson Fans’Robert Fripp Says Video Series With Wife Toyah ‘Upset Some King Crimson Fans’He doesn't really care, though.Lauryn SchaffnerLauryn Schaffner