Whenever you hear about someone's homeowner's association, it is always some sort of horror story. Can a homeowner’s association legally take your house in Michigan?
Angela Nava put up some funny pole dancing skeletons for Halloween, and so far all of her neighbors have really liked them. Unfortunately, her HOA wants them to come down - but she says no way.
Source: ABC 13
Fort Myers couple John Plowy and his wife, Susan, are trying to figure out why their HOA removed their chimney without proof of permission to do so. The association says it needed 75% of the votes in favor of removal in order to do so, but can't provide any of the paperwork to prove it...
After losing both of his parent two weeks apart, an Arizona teen moved in with his grandparents at their 55+ living community. Now he is being kicked out of their home after receiving an HOA letter stating he does not meet the age requirements to live there...