On August 14, Alicia Lofton lost her life after being shot multiple times by her husband, Marcus Lofton. Her little children that she leaves behind need the support of the Grand Rapids community.
Imagine being 14 years old, 6 foot, 10 inches tall, and having size 22 shoes. Not only are clothes tough to find, but locating a size 22 shoe is nearly impossible.
You may have already heard the tragic story of Natisha Moffett, she and her five children were killed in an accident in Arizona, but you may not realize that Natisha was a Grand Rapids native.
A homeless man in California returned a woman's lost wallet and someone started a GoFundMe page for him that's raised around $50,000.
Source: YouTube, MSN
Barton Deiters was diagnosed and hospitalized with West Nile Virus back in September. As he's still there, a GoFundMe was set up to help his family keep up with expenses.