Do You Have To Remove Snow From Fire Hydrants In Grand Rapids?Do You Have To Remove Snow From Fire Hydrants In Grand Rapids?In the city of Grand Rapids, all residents and businesses are responsible for clearing snow and ice from the sidewalk, But what about fire hydrants?Big Joe PeshBig Joe Pesh
Why Not To Park In Front Of A Fire Hydrant, Even For A SecondWhy Not To Park In Front Of A Fire Hydrant, Even For A SecondNot only do they break out your windows, but tickets and towing are included. And you're the jerk who may have helped someone's house burn down.Rob SparksRob Sparks
Human Nuts Vs. Fire Hydrant [Video]Human Nuts Vs. Fire Hydrant [Video]I have a hard time putting nuts and fire hydrant together in the same sentence, but this guy has no problem putting them together in real life.gary.chenowethgary.chenoweth