Mark King of Wolcottville, Indiana was found shooting up the inside of his own home because he believed imaginary people were trying to break in and steal his things, all while he was high on methamphetamine. reports that police received a call on Sunday about a man who was yelling and swinging a broom handle around...
Everyone loves a good fight right? What if it was two kids fighting? This video is very disturbing and please let us know what your feelings are on this.
Sunday night, Free Beer returned to Grand Rapids on a very late flight, and then had some time with his kids before getting to sleep at almost 2am. He wakes up for the show at 3:40, and was understandably exhausted.
The rest of the guys decided to be nice, and let him skip out early on the behind the scenes stuff for the day, so he could go home and remember the English language.
Think Legolas from The Lord of the Rings, or Hawkeye from The Avengers. That's how ridiculous this guy is with a bow and arrow. I mean, Jesus, the guy CATCHES AN ARROW FIRED AT HIM AND FIRES IT BACK!
Do NOT f--- with this guy.
Bad news for privacy fans: The police are getting their hands on a new piece of handheld technology designed to peer through walls.
The highly-sensitive radar can detect movement as subtle as breathing from up to 50 feet away through solid concrete, USA Today and Atlanta's WXIA-TV report.
Back in the day before the Internet, people on TV probably screwed up just as much as they do today, but the only way you would see them is if you were watching live or you just happened to have the VCR rolling.
But now, with all of the crazy technology that surrounds us, like cell phone cameras and DVRs, it takes just minutes for the world to see a screw up by someone on television.
Summer may be over but hockey is back and the Toronto Maple Leafs and Buffalo Sabres gave fans who bought tickets for their NHL preseason game Sunday night their money's worth, and then some.