Harry Ulmer is an overnight maintenance supervisor at a Walmart in Philadelphia, he says he was taking a break at 2 am when he saved a man who had fallen into the Delaware River.
Source: 6 ABC
Customers were in disbelief when they found out that it was, in fact, a person taking their orders rather than an automated voice.
A TikTok'er by the name of Cherokee Chika posted the video of herself placing her order at Wendy's. Yahoo reports that the video has been viewed hundreds of thousands of times, and the comments are full of people who are also in disbelief that this is an actual person.
37-year-old Sonja Nixon Frazier is a high risk individual for COVID-19 with a lung disease. However, that didn't stop her from giving a man CPR and saving his life when he came through the Taco Bell drive-thru.
CNN reports that it all went down on August 12 at a Taco Bell in Tennessee...