
Buy a Michigan-Shaped Morel Mushroom on eBay for $10K
Buy a Michigan-Shaped Morel Mushroom on eBay for $10K
Buy a Michigan-Shaped Morel Mushroom on eBay for $10K
Morel season is underway and the mushroom is a big part of Michigan. So big that a Manistee Man is selling one on eBay for $10,000!! Why so much? Because it's shaped like the great state of Michigan. Lance Miller describes the fungus on his page as: Roughly 2...
Buy Your Own Authentic MMA Championship Belt!
Buy Your Own Authentic MMA Championship Belt!
Buy Your Own Authentic MMA Championship Belt!
Whether it is wrestling, boxing or mixed martial arts, the championship belts are always a spectacle. Sometimes they are hideous, sometimes they are pretty darn cool to look at. Well, if you have ever wanted the chance to own your very own authentic belt and not want to have to go through the work of being beaten to a pulp to get it, it is your lucky time!

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