Since we're all home, more people are cleaning out their garages...but most people don't know how to properly get rid of various chemicals and flammable items.
Source: FOX 31
After winning last night's Super Bowl, Denver Broncos quarterback Peyton Manning immediately hugged (read: probably kissed) Papa John and told reporters that he was going to "drink a lot of Budweiser tonight," but don't mistake those actions for endorsements. Nope, no way, no sir, definitely not one of those "endorsement" things.
Wes Scantlin, the lead singer of the band Puddle of Mudd, has shown a lot of idiocy and has had many run-ins with the law.
Well, he was up to his stupidity again.
A Southwest Airlines flight from Seattle to Denver was delayed about four hours last week because of an idiot on board who chose poorly when naming his wi-fi hotspot, Fox 31 Denver reported.
Typically, we are not really fans of these kinds of videos where people try to put police or other officials in their place and record their interactions with them.
But this guy is just doing it right.