The Daily Mail compiled a list of the 15 United States cities likely to be targeted if a nuclear war breaks. One city featured on the list is only 3 hours away from Grand Rapids.
London-based Anna Bey vlogs about teaching ladies how to be classy, and says that women need to play hard to get and use their femininity in order to attract the perfect match.
Source: Daily Mail
Romeo Cox walked from Sicily to London, which took over three months, and even fought off feral dogs during his journey.
The Daily Mail reports that the boy wasn't on his own for the journey, his dad, Phil, came along with him. They slept under the stars as they made the trek, and after quarantining for two weeks were able to see grandma...
Rosie Cole, 21, was dared to fit inside a dryer by her housemates as a joke. The joke, however, lasted over twenty minutes due to Cole getting stuck in the dryer and eventually the fire department had to be called in order to get her out.
Source: Hull Daily Mail
This couple met back in 2012 and threw a $120,000 goth wedding. Now they are using their vampire expertise to help others do the same.
Source: DailyMail
This completely blew my mind when I first read it. The Daily Mail, a British news outlet, posted a story with this headline: Robber who broke into hair salon is beaten by its black-belt owner and kept as a sex slave for three days... fed only Viagra. I had to stop and do a double take on this one... WTF!? Was my first reaction to the story.