Today on Segment 16, the guys laugh at Justin's completely tangled up giant head, and watch him try to get out of his own headphones cable. Then they laugh about a story out of Wayland, where a woman shot live video of a cow riding in the back of a Jeep.
Tucker the Cow was a happy cow. Tucker the Cow liked to walk around. Tucker the Cow was in a wind storm, and his gate opened. Tucker the Cow decided to take a walk out into the new world. Tucker the Cow got stuck in a window well. Tucker the Cow was sad. But then Tucker the Cow was found, and could walk home. So he did.
When I was little, my brothers and I were endlessly trying to sneak "new pets" into the house. There was the white, scruffy and possibly deaf cat we called Ivory (the sounds of endless yowling lead my mother to conclude he "must not be able to hear a damn thing.") And the big old Tom-cat who prowled our back porch; we once fed him raw hot dogs.
The largest animal we ever tried
I don't know what is up with this one, I just know a chick I was killing beers with at the bar the other night told me about it and I thought it was funny as hell. She told me the headline read something like this "Man walks into Walmart dressed as cow, steals 26 gallons of milk...