It’s Labor Day Weekend. There are a lot of events that are wrapping up for the summer, so get out and enjoy those events. There are also some events just for the Labor Day Weekend. And, if you are up for a road trip, Monday is the only day you can walk across the Mackinac Bridge!
Not only is it the Festival of the Arts in downtown Grand Rapids this weekend, but there are also a couple of concerts and plays, two different runs, a free dental clinic, a reptile & exotic pet show, and a chance to adopt a dog.
This past week was awesome! We finally got to put all our hard work to the stage.
"A Sleeping Beauty (Somewhere In Time)" was definitely a success for Circle Theatre.
All week, we bused in kids from local elementary schools to watch the show. And, judging by their excitement afterward, they seemed to really enjoy it.
Check this out! A little news about "Sleeping Beauty (Somehere In Time."
I am so excited for this Circle Theatre upcoming show. I love children's theatre. Performing for the kids can be so fun. I think the cool thing about this show is that it's not just for little kids; it's actually entertaining and meant for all ages. We open this week on Wednesday night at 7 p.m. at Circle Theatre
This is the week we open "Sleeping Beauty (Somewhere in Time)" at Circle Theatre in Grand Rapids!
We are in the final stages of prepping for the show including getting the monster set we have placed as well as finishing up the different character makeup styles.
We started rehearsal for "A Sleeping Beauty Somewhere in Time" a few weeks ago, and I had to share an update.
In the new version of "Sleeping Beauty," I play Malestrom, the chaos fairy that most people identify as Maleficent.
The show is being held by Circle Theatre on Aquinas College's campus.
We perform June 25 to 29. If you have kids or don't, it's a fun show!
This past weekend was the big audition weekend at Circle Theatre Grand Rapids.
Every year, Circle Theatre has an entire weekend dedicated to auditions. The don't just audition one show that is coming up; they audition all of their shows for the entire season in one weekend.
I am very happy that this year I'll be playing Maelstrom in "Sleeping Beauty -- Somewhere In Time."
I just received some photos from "Hit's Of The 80's" Circle Theatre's Summer Concert Series! I am all decked out in my 80's costume... rocking out to Joan Jett, Toto, and The Bangles! If you missed the show we are performing again July 15!
I recently was cast in Grand Rapids Circle Theatre's Summer Concert Series; Hit's Of The 80's. Summer Concert Series is awesome because we perform once a month all summer long! I had a few solos in the show and my mom, being the mom that she is, decided to capture me on her cell phone camera! Who doesn't love a low quality cell video! Either way here is a few clips from our show last Monday.
I LOVE THE 80's! I also love music and theatre so this is pretty much awesome for me. I recently auditioned for Grand Rapids Circle Theatre's Summer Concert Series, "Hits Of The 80's" and got cast among 12 of the most talented singers in the Grand Rapids area (I am not one of those... I think they like my spunk ;) )