We’re less than two months out from the next Star Wars film and you can practically taste the anticipation. But just in case you need more reasons to get totally hyped for The Last Jedi, Lucasfilm has revealed a new still and dropped a new behind the scenes video that takes us right to the top-secret Star Wars set...
Carrie Fisher thought the best way to defend her friend from a Harvey Wienstein wannabe was to send him a gift wrapped cow tongue; needless to say, she wasn't wrong. She even included a note that warned if it happened again, the next gift would be his manhood.....in a much smaller box.
There’s a lot to miss about the late, incomparably great Carrie Fisher: Her delightful screen presence, her sharp contributions to screenwriting, her brilliant wit and unapologetic candor, and her advocacy for those suffering from mental health problems and addiction. She was, for lack of a better word, a badass. And the legend of her awesomeness lives on through those who loved her, like Heather Ross — a screenwriter and friend of Fisher’s, who recently shared an amazing story about the time she was sexually harassed by a studio executive, and the artist occasionally known as Princess General Leia exacted revenge on her behalf.