The Caledonia Scots Football team take on the East Kentwood Falcons tonight at 7pm at East Kentwood High School Stadium. The Caledonia students have been warned by the school's administration. They were cautioned about wearing inappropriate attire that might be considered racist.
Today on Segment 16, the guys talk about Caledonia, and their quest to get the governor to make a decision on a village president. Do you want the guy who was in jail for DUI during the election?
Officials sent Gov. Snyder a letter asking him to remove Todd Grinage from office. But, is that something a Governor can do? In Michigan, it totally is.
Last week 64-year old Andy McFarlan was severely injured in a road rage incident in Caledonia Township.
WZZM-13 reports that 18-year-old Christian Hillman of Ada is now facing assault with intent to commit great bodily harm charges.
A 64-year old man was severely injured in a road rage incident Thursday night in Caledonia Township, Wood TV8 reports.
The incident happened around 9p.m. on Whitneyville Avenue between 60th and 68th Streets.