Learn how cyberbullying differs from traditional bullying, causing 24/7 distress for Michigan youth, and the 9 cities it happens the most in our state.
“I personally think I should be done with that show because they make fun of me on it.” Last time we checked, everyone gets picked on in SNL.
Source: TVLINE
Today on Segment 16, the guys talk about a news story on WZZM concerning the out of control bullying at Grandville High, and other schools. Grandville seems to be worse than some, but overall, bullying is a big problem.
Some pansy in Australia filed a Fair Work Act complaint again her boss in Australia for "an order to stop bullying". The reason? Her boss unfriended her on Facebook.
Are you f-ing kidding me? Unfriending can now be considered bullying?
You know why this pisses me off?
Desiree Andrews is an eighth-grader from Kenosha, Wis., with Down syndrome.
She hasn't let that stop her from joining Lincoln Middle School's cheerleading squad.
Someone in Great Britain posted two photos on Twitter last month of an overweight guy dancing at a club.
The caption read: "Spotted this specimen trying to dance; ... he stopped when he saw us laughing."
Last week, a guy near Minneapolis, Brad Knudson, of Prior Lake, Minn., posted a video about two kids who bullied his daughter and used the n-word.
He explained that he called the kids' dad about it, but that the guy was a allegedly even bigger a-hole.
Talk about some old school discipline. A kindergarten teacher in Texas whipped out a good ol' can of whoopin' on an apparent bully in her class by lining up all her students and letting them smack him around.
"Bully" I'm sure, will the first of many great songs to come from the new album 'Amaryllis'. Here it is in video form and of course Shinedown never fails to disappoint with a great song, a great sound and a powerful message.