James Blight of Haines City, Fla. told police that he had been drinking whiskey all day and couldn't remember what he had be up to. Turns out, he stole a bulldozer and dug Biden signs out of people's yards - and ran over some poor woman's fence...
Last month, an 18-year-old kid in Illinois decided to steal a bulldozer from a construction site in the middle of the night and take it on a joyride down city streets.
I'm no stranger to weird nights drinking at various Grand Rapids establishments and I hear a ton of messed up crap! This is one of those tales. It's another edition of From the Bar Stool. This one is great man! A 47 year old Ohio dude received notice that the bank was foreclosing on his house, but instead of giving it back to the bank, he went out and rented a bulldozer and demolished it!
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