A news crew was reporting on a flood happening in North Carolina when the bridge they were on started to collapse right in front of them, no one was injured & they were able to back away safely.
While helping a stranded driver on the side of the road, the FedEx driver fell off the overpass. He was transported to the hospital with serious but non-life threatening injuries.
Source: WSOCTV
The poor 100th street bridge! The bridge has already been hit eight times since January. The lower than normal bridge is clearly labeled and there are warning signs well before the bridge to warn trucks of the upcoming obstacle.
Today on Segment 16, the guys check out a story about the problem of the Sixth Street Bridge, AKA the Narrow Bridge of Death, that crosses the Grand River. It's not very wide, and can be scary for people passing each other. Should it be torn down or renovated?
Today on Segment 16, the guys talk about the "scariest" bridge in Michigan, and also why parts of Grand Rapids smell so poopy. Seriously. This is the high-brow humor you totally expect.
The beauty of GPS is that you no longer have an excuse for getting lost. Besides, they're just so darn convenient. You don't know how to get somewhere? No problem! The magic inside your little electronic device will be your guide! Also, if you DO happen to get lost, you can just blame the GPS, right? Well, that's what this truck driver in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, is doing!