Smitten in the Mitten: Discover Michigan’s Most Romantic RestaurantsSmitten in the Mitten: Discover Michigan’s Most Romantic RestaurantsOpenTable has named the 3 most romantic restaurants in Michigan for an unforgettable dining experience in 2024!JannaJanna
One Of Grand Rapids’ Most Iconic Buildings Is HauntedOne Of Grand Rapids’ Most Iconic Buildings Is HauntedUncover the spine-tingling ghostly tales of Amway Grand Plaza, revealing the haunted past hidden within its historic walls.Tommy McNeillTommy McNeill
What Ever Happened to the Pedestrian Bridge Over Monroe Downtown?What Ever Happened to the Pedestrian Bridge Over Monroe Downtown?Did you know there was once a bridge over Monroe downtown?Andy RentAndy Rent
Grand Rapids Hotel Undergoing Massive $12 million TransformationGrand Rapids Hotel Undergoing Massive $12 million TransformationJW Marriott in Grand Rapids to undergo major renovation of guest rooms by 2024.Tommy McNeillTommy McNeill
Grand Rapids Landmarks Lighting Up in Color on ThursdayGrand Rapids Landmarks Lighting Up in Color on ThursdayOctober 13, 2022 is National Metastatic Breast Cancer Awareness Day. Landmarks across the United States will be lighting up, including some Grand Rapids landmarks.Scott WintersScott Winters
Rooftop Pickleball Courts Opening Downtown Grand RapidsRooftop Pickleball Courts Opening Downtown Grand RapidsLike to play pickleball with a view? Grand Rapids' first rooftop pickleball courts are opening downtown!JannaJanna
Duckpin Bowling Alley and Bar Downtown Grand Rapids Announces Opening DateDuckpin Bowling Alley and Bar Downtown Grand Rapids Announces Opening DateNeed a new idea for date night or hanging with friends? A new duckpin bowling alley and bar is opening downtown Grand Rapids!JannaJanna
A Look Back at Downtown Grand RapidsA Look Back at Downtown Grand RapidsA Look Back at Downtown Grand RapidsAndy RentAndy Rent
70s Themed ‘Speakeasy’ Bar Now Open in Grand Rapids70s Themed ‘Speakeasy’ Bar Now Open in Grand RapidsDo you know the secret password? Groovy.JannaJanna
Amway Grand Plaza Tower Renovation Starts in 2019 [VIDEO]Amway Grand Plaza Tower Renovation Starts in 2019 [VIDEO]A change is coming to the downtown Grand Rapids' skyline.JannaJanna