How Canadian Wildfires Could Affect West Michigan’s Air QualityHow Canadian Wildfires Could Affect West Michigan’s Air QualityForest fires in Canada could lead to air advisories in West Michigan this spring and summer.Laura HardyLaura Hardy
The Rapid’s Free Ride Funds Exhausted by Record Setting Clean Air Action DaysThe Rapid’s Free Ride Funds Exhausted by Record Setting Clean Air Action DaysSo can we send a bill to Canada after a record setting summer of bad air quality?Laura HardyLaura Hardy
MI Dept. of Health Creates New Hotline for Air Quality QuestionsMI Dept. of Health Creates New Hotline for Air Quality QuestionsCanadian wildfires are affecting air quality levels in Michigan. The MDHHS has created a new hotline for residents to answer health-related questions. Lauren GordonLauren Gordon
Is Michigan a Smelly State?Is Michigan a Smelly State?I've traveled to a lot of the fifty United States. I will admit, some have a unique aroma. Sometimes it's a pleasant smell, and other times not so much.Scott WintersScott Winters