Strangers Drive Table from MN to Michigan for Grieving Mom – The Good News
Again, behold the power of social media and the cool ways that it can connect us.
There's a Facebook group Weird Secondhand Finds That Just Need To Be Shared where people from all over the world share pictures of the kooky, crazy stuff they find in resale shops and at garage sales, estate sales, etc.
Somebody posted a picture of an elephant table from a store in Burnsville, Minnesota. A man in just north of Detroit commented that he wanted to buy it for his wife; they lost their young son Brayden in 2018 to cancer and the last gift his wife gave him was a picture of a mama and baby elephant.
The store wasn't able to ship the table, so strangers from all over the world offered to drive the table from Minnesota to Michigan. Nine volunteers offered to play a game of "tag," driving the table from one destination until another until it reaches Oxford, Michigan.
Many of the volunteers have had their own personal experiences with cancer, so this group effort has come to be a "symbol of the community coming together for this family in their time of grief."
The man has blocked his wife from the Facebook group so that she doesn't see any posts until the table arrives.
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