5 Weird Things That Are Still Against The Law In Michigan
Laws are put into place for the well-being of everyone and to protect our rights and freedoms.
There are also some laws that make you scratch your head and say who came up with this?

These are five things that are still against the law in Michigan
LAW: It's illegal to throw an abandoned hoop skirt onto the street or sidewalk in South Haven.
PUNISHMENT: Violators will receive a $5-fine.
This law kinda makes sense, nobody likes littering.
LAW: Alligators are not allowed to be tied to a fire hydrant in Detroit
PUNISHMENT: I couldn’t find one but now I’m wondering if the law also applies to crocodiles.
LAW: The City of Harper Woods prohibits painting birds, in an apparent effort to stop unscrupulous persons from passing off a sparrow as a canary with the help of a yellow highlighter. The city manager there notes, however, that to his knowledge no one has ever been prosecuted under the ordinance.
PUNISHMENT: I couldn’t find this one either but it doesn’t surprise me. People will do anything to make a dollar.
LAW: It's illegal to serenade your girlfriend in Kalamazoo.
PUNISHMENT: I’m all for this law for people like myself that can’t sing. Even if the police don’t enforce this disturbing the peace seems appropriate to me.
LAW: In Rochester, the law requires that all bathing suits must be inspected by the head of police.
PUNISHMENT: I wonder what the police chief is looking for?
The good thing is most old laws are no longer enforced by police in Michigan.
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