Michigan Man Thought It Was A Lotto Scam But He Really Did Win!
Anytime you get an email from a rich Nigerian prince asking to help them out with a finical issue and in return, they promise to give you a huge amount of money you delete it knowing it's a scam.
A Michigan man didn't get an email from a prince but he did get one from the Michigan Lottery which he thought was a scam but it turns out he actually won money.
Michigan Man Wins Lottery Jackpot
A 32-year-old man in Oakland County who has chosen to remain anonymous randomly won $139,221.
How Did He Randomly Win The Money?
The man was selected in a random drawing that took place earlier this month. He had earned entries into the giveaway by playing the Monthly Jackpot game online at MichiganLottery.com.
He Didn't Think He'd Really Won
The man told the Michigan Lottery
“I played the Monthly Jackpot game once and didn’t realize it had a second chance component, My wife called me crying and told me about an email that had just come through informing me that I’d won a $139,221 Lottery prize. We agreed not to get too excited yet, thinking maybe it was a scam email.
What Does He Plan To Do With The Money?
The man said the money couldn't come at a better time for him and his wife. He plans to start college funds for his two daughters and take a vacation. I love seeing stories like this and if he has any money left he's more than welcome to help pay off my wife's student loans too.