The Mackinac Bridge Authority is Selling off More Vintage Pieces of the Bridge
Back in April of 2018, the state of Michigan held an auction for vintage pieces of the steel deck grating from the Mackinac Bridge. Now, just in time for the holidays, there's another auction for more metal from the iconic bridge.
The old bridge chunks weigh two tons (you buy it, you figure out how to move it)
Here's the auction description:
Section of original steel grating from the Mackinac Bridge deck. Selling 5 individual, identical pieces of grating separately. THIS AUCTION IS FOR ONE PIECE. Pieces are approximately 5 1/2 feet X 38 feet and 5 inches deep. Condition is used with corrosion and section loss appropriate to steel that is 60 years old. Each piece weighs about 2 tons.
Grating was originally coated with lead based paint. Much of this is gone, but Buyer will have to sign a "Hold Harmless agreement" related to the lead paint and the structural condition of the grating. The Hold Harmless agreement is an attachment to the auction ad.
Seller agrees to cut the grating section into two shorter pieces for ease of shipping if desired. Price of this one cut is included in the bid. No other cutting or manipulation of the grating will be done by the seller.
Seller will load the grating for transport but is not responsible for securing, etc.
There are currently 5 bridge pieces up for auction. If you want one, hurry with your clicks, then plan on somehow moving them from St Ignace should you win one.