Jackie’s Random Limo Trip
I am a pretty random person, you can ask anyone who works with me here at grd. I make random noises, IE- cat noises, monster sounds etc. I like to randomly start dancing... and Saturday I randomly got a limo to take me to Mega 80's at the Intersection.
Alright so here is how the night went; I had recently traveled to Key West where I tasted the most deliciously caffeinated alcoholic drink ever, known as an esspressotini! I decided to recreate that drink at home. Bad idea! After a few of those my caffeine buzz was through the roof, along with my alcohol buzz. I called a few cabs and everyone I called was booked up for hours. That brought on the bright idea, "what about a limo?!"
I called a limo and haggled (drunkenly) for like 15 minutes. He insisted, no I can not just pick you up and take you to the intersection, that is what a cab is for... but I persevered got him down to an incredibly low price and he actually came and got me! I know this is super random and weird, anyway I just had to share this experience with you!
Have you ever done something that was TOTALLY a great idea while you may or may not have been drinking, but the next day it all seems a bit silly? Please share, comment below!
For more crazy adventures from me, check out my site by clicking HERE. A little cosplay, a little, music and a lot of awesome! ;)