When Should Michiganders Stop Mowing Their Lawns for the Year?
As the days and weeks are getting colder, and fall gives way to winter, when should Michiganders stop mowing their lawns?
Michigan home owners have to worry about all kinds of home and lawn care tasks throughout the year. Living in an area that provides all four seasons means that we need to prepare for each one. And as we move into winter, we're going to start tackling those cold weather preparations.
🔻 Scroll to Learn When You Can Officially Put Away Your Lawn Mower 🔻
However, while we begin some home care, we can stop others, including mowing the lawn. But, when exactly can you call it quits?
That all depends on "mowing season", which can vary wildly, thanks to Michigan's constantly (and drastically) changing weather. Knowing that weather changes can be pretty erratic in the Mitten state, how can we determine when mowing season is?
When is Lawn Mowing Season in Michigan?
Mowing season depends on the general weather and temperature conditions.

Typically, weekly lawn mowings will begin anywhere from mid-April to early June. Then, starting in mid-October to early November, mowings can start to lessen, to every other week, or less.
Read Related: How to Prepare for Winter in Michigan—13 Essential Gear Tips
You can officially put the mower away once the temperature consistently stays below 50 degrees. That tends to happen in late November, but in Michigan who knows...
At the end of the day, you'll have to play fast and loose thanks to Mother Nature in Michigan.
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