As Michiganders, we knew this time would inevitably arrive...

The time of year when most, if not all, of Michigan has seen some kind of snow fall. And depending on where you're located within the Mitten State will help determine how much snow you've gotten.

Read Related: 7 Things Only Michiganders Complain About During Winter

For my home, a shovel will do the trick. But what happens when we get that first big snow of the season?

When we get that much snow, it's time to bring out the big guns and break out that snow blower.

Michigan Laws About Snow Blowers

Before you do, though, do you know when you're legally allowed to use it?

It might be a silly thing to think about, but Michigan actually has all kinds of laws when it comes to snow removal. Like making sure your sidewalks and walkways are cleared within a reasonable time (24 hours) and if you're responsible if someone gets hurt on your property because of snow.

Read Related: Avoid a Ticket, Here are Michigan's Snow Removal Law

With all these laws about snow, and despite my best searching, I could not find any specific laws when it comes to snow blowers.

However, there is something to keep in mind when using a snow blower, and that's WHEN you're using it.

Michigan Noise Ordinances and Laws

Snow blowers can stir up a lot of noise, deeming them a nuisance, when used during quiet hours. And although it can be tempting to wake up early to do the driveway before you leave for work, how early is too early?

You'll want to check on the local noise ordinances in your city or township to get exact times of when "quiet hours" are. But as a good rule of thumb, here's the ordinance for Lansing:

Section54-1. - Unlawful Noises

It shall be unlawful for any person to make, continue, or cause to be made or continued any loud, unnecessary or unusual noise or any noise which either annoys, disturbs, injures or endangers the comfort, repose, health, peace or safety of others, within the limits of the township.

Quiet hours usually run from 11 pm to 7 am, so keep that in mind.

Now, are you likely to get a ticket if you start snow blowing at 6:51 am? Probably not. But, I'm sure your neighbor might give you some dirty looks the next time they see you, if you did...

The 83 Michigan Counties Ranked On The Amount Of Snow Per Year

Take a look at which Michigan counties get the most and least amount of snow, according to data collected over the years.

These 10 Michigan Towns Experience The Worst Snowfall

Ever wonder where the worst places in Michigan are for snowfall? These 20 Michigan counties are the worst for snowfall in Michigan, based on data collected throughout the years.

Michiganders' Go-To Indoor Activities for Snowy Weather

We asked and Michiganders answered. Here are 9 go-to indoor activities to keep you busy during snowy weather.

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