That's it, we've done it! Most of Michigan has had its first official snow and super cold weather. And winter hasn't even officially begun.

But, that doesn't mean we still don't have plenty to complain about when it comes to winter.

Read Related: Michigan Winter Survival—Top 13 Gear Must-Haves You Need Now

As Michiganders, there's a very specific set of issues we have to deal with when it comes to winter. Things that other states (I'm looking at you, Oklahoma and New Mexico) don't have to worry about.

How about we all laugh together at our collective misery at these seven things that only Michiganders have to complain about during winter.

7. That one person who dresses inappropriately for the weather

Sure, we're all Michiganders, and we're tougher than most when it comes brutally cold weather. But, that doesn't mean that you should be outside shoveling the snow in shorts and a t-shirt. Put some pants and a coat on!

6. People accidentally (or purposefully) taking up two spots in the parking lot

Unfortunately, this is something I think we all have to battle every once in a while, only because it can be really hard to tell where those lines are sometimes.

5. Salt is both friend and foe

Yes, salt helps melt that snow and ice and provides for a bit of traction. However, it reeks havoc on our cars and ruins cute boots.

4. Car slush boogers

Maybe I'm the only person I know that calls them "car slush boogers"... but you know those frozen chunks of snow, ice, road salt, and grossness that pile up immediately behind your tires? Well, those are just ice road blocks waiting to happen.

3. The never-ending saga of the ice scraper

The second you put away that ice scraper for the season is the exact second Mother Nature will say, "Hold my beer", and dump 6 inches of snow on us.

2. Sneaky potholes lurking under the snow

You literally never see them coming, and then BAM! A pothole big enough to have you praying to the car gods that you didn't mess anything up.

1. People who don't brush snow off their car

Please don't be the person who only cleans the snow off their windshield. Take time to do your entire car, because as soon as you hit the right speed, all that snow is going to fly off into the windshield of the person behind you. Also, it's the law.

Don't worry, we're all in this together. Until like, what... April?

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