Well, it ain't Michigan, but this was too cool to pass up: an entire abandoned trailer park in Northwest Indiana.

This eleven-acre park opened in 1982 and re-purchased in 2020. Unfortunately, the new owner couldn't live up to the obligations and all business plans fell through. Evidently, the bills weren't being paid either, so the ownership went back to the previous owner.

When this happened, all residents were forced to move out.

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According to Ruin Road, the park had its problems: fines for not supplying water samples to the EPA which ended up being over the max contaminant level for bacteria.

By 1991, neighbors started demanding the park be closed down, thanks to piles of trash not being picked up and unsightly abandoned trailers.

Three teens crashed their vehicle into a home, park manager was arrested for embezzlement, and various fires broke out among other unfortunate incidents.

The park was bought again in the 2010s and removal of all deserted trailers began. Take a look at the photo gallery below.

Abandoned Trailer Park: Northwest Indiana


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Michigan-Ohio-Indiana Border

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