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Here’s an explore that has been checked out by many people, but it doesn’t hurt to take a quick look here...

It’s the abandoned Miller Airport, also called Nartron Field, sitting just north of Reed City between Old US-131 and Lake No-Sho-Mo.

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The airport was activated in August 1956 after Jim Miller of Miller Industries (makers of glass and aluminum products) moved his business to a deserted factory just a mile north of Reed City. Next to the old building, he put in a landing strip and hangar; this was his way of making an attempt to service his customers even better by air mail/delivery.

From 1966 to 1971, the airport supplied people with flights to nearby cities, like Detroit and Chicago.

In 1979 the old airport was purchased by the Nartron Corporation to handle its engineering and manufacturing operations. When Nartron moved to another facility in the late 1980s, the building was deserted for good. So for the last 35+ years, it’s been sitting abandoned, vandalized, and decaying.

The site still retains the old terminal building, control tower, hangar, and cracked runway.

Abandoned Miller Airport, Reed City


Abandoned AMC Headquarters, Detroit

Abandoned Trailers in Northern Michigan

Abandoned Cement Factory, Bellevue