Fall in Michigan is a mixed bag of weather that will have you chipping ice off your windshield in the morning, cranking the defrost at max heat. You'll often shut your vehicle off, with it melting away ice even as you pull into your place of work, hustling inside to warmer temperatures and hot coffee. This, along with five other left-behind items, are some of the many things Michigan forgets when Fall rolls around.

RELATED: Rare Sighting of North American Pine Squid in Michigan?

Those same settings are still in place when you return to your car on what has turned into a 9,000-degree Michigan fall afternoon, and you're greeted with the arid blast of your heater at full blast.

Changes in Season Leave Michiganders Looking for "Lost" Items

A dry, fallen leave is seen laying on the grass with frost covering both next to an image of a dry desert with AM PM written in the middle

"Seasonally Induced Amnesia Disorder" (not a real thing; I just made it up) seems to impact most of the state when we transition into different times of the year. For instance, nearly every Michigander (not you, of course) forgets how to drive in the snow when the first flake of the year descends.

The annual search for the bucket of sidewalk salt coincides with the first snowfall, which you swear you left  _______. However, someone is obviously messing with you and moved it along with the "good" snow shovel. Now, you're left walking around the interior of your garage with your hands on your hips, conversing with yourself for the entire neighborhood to see: "How can a bucket just get up and walk away? Huh? Well, maybe the SHOVEL TOOK IT!!!"

5 Things You Forget Because It's Fall in Michigan

It was 30 degrees when you woke up, but by the time you head home, it feels like you are driving in a sauna—it must be Fall in Michigan! There are a few things we Michiganders tend to forget during our daily temperature whiplash. Here's the top 5:

Gallery Credit: Scott Clow

Michigan's 5 Most Common Winter Bugs: How to Keep Them Out

Michigan's Falls may be filled with color, but while we're looking up and admiring the trees, bugs are slipping in through tiny little crevices in your home that are essentially little welcome mats for the state's top 5 winter pests. When you're battling bugs, you go to someone who's in the trenches, so I asked Bob Yoakman, Mason, Michigan's Bug Man, for tips on how to keep Michigan's 5 Most Common Winter Bugs at bay.

Gallery Credit: Scott Clow

The Top 10 Most Stolen Vehicles in America

A new report released by the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) has revealed the top 10 vehicle makes and models that are stolen most often in the United States. Here's a look at 2023's Top Stolen Vehicles in America.

Gallery Credit: Scott Clow

Don't Be Fooled: 11 Michigan Dollar Store Do NOT Buys

There are a slew of great values to be found at dollar stores. There are also a lot of ways to waste your money. A lot of products appear to be drastically more affordable than the name-brand equivalent. It looks like an INCREDIBLE deal, but it isn't. Read why some dollar store buys are too good to be true with this frank look at 11 Michigan Dollar Store Do NOT Buys.

Gallery Credit: Scott Clow

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