I love the weird, the strange, and all the spooky things that Michigan has to offer, ESPECIALLY when it has some historical value to it. Case and point, a Jail Museum in Allegan that the Michigan Family Destinations Guide claims will "give you goosebumps."

It takes a lot to make the hair rise up on my arms, but I'm willing to give it a chance. Let's explore and see.

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This is a truly unique experience that I don't think I've ever seen in another place around the country. Sure, there are prison museums like Alcatraz that offer tours of giant, notorious penitentiaries that housed some of the most notorious criminals in the country.

But there's something charming, yet deeply personal and eerie about this jail museum.

First of all, it's built in this Victorian-style building that you could easily mistake for a large home, maybe even an old politician's mansion, or even (as strange as it sounds) an old funeral home. They tend to have an old-world, homey style to them sometimes.

This is actually the Allegan County Old jail Museum, and now home to the Allegan County Historical Society, too.

Originally built in 1906, the building housed the County Sheriff, and his family.... and the jail. (Can you imagine your family living under the same roof as the jail?)

Allegan County Historical Society
Allegan County Historical Society

As the front of the building might suggest, it's a two-story residence, and actually quite comfortable for the times with all of the necessary appliances, and necessities.

But once you cross that threshold into the back of the building, the whole mood changes.

At this time, the museum has more than 10,000 items on display that were curated and donated. Not all of them are directly from the jail. but because the Allegan County Historical Society is there now, it includes a lot more history from even before the jail was built.

Allegan County Historical Society
Allegan County Historical Society

But in the bowels of the building still lie what this place was all about in the early 20th century - holding criminals. The jail cells look like they're taken straight from a major penitentiary with the giant iron bar doors. The second you walk in and look at the bunks, I can imagine the chills would immediately run down your spine.

And of course, rumor is the building, and especially its jail cells, are haunted by the spirits of its past.

The museum is open for tours, so if you'd like to see it for yourself, visit their website, and make sure they're open when you come through... just remember to bring your paranormal kit with you.

Allegan County Historical Society
Allegan County Historical Society

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