It's usually a general rule of thumb, when you're in the wilderness, and you see a wild cat, going "pspspspspsps" is probably not the best idea. HOWEVER, if you happen to see one of the rarest cat species in Michigan, maybe doing something to keep its attention isn't such a bad idea... at least, for a minute.

The Canadian Lynx is not completely uncommon in the state of Michigan. In fact, one was captured in 2019, but almost completely unheard of ever since.

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Canadian Lynx

As you can tell by the name, the Canadian Lynx is mostly native to our friends to the north. In fact, it's actually not too uncommon to see them north of the border, but still a sight to see.

But since so many states border Canada, you'd think the big cat would make its way down here some as well. Turns out, that's only the case in SOME areas, including Michigan.

Canada Lynx Territory

According to the animal's territorial map, Michigan's Upper Peninsula is about the only place where you might see the Canadian Lynx. However, they have been seen in the lower peninsula, including the 2019 capture in Sanilac County.

Michigan DNR reported that a Lynx had made its way to a farm in the "thumb" of the lower peninsula, and was allegedly preying on the domesticated geese on the property. Because it's an endangered animal, only the DNR could handle the animal, and set a trap to capture it.

In March of that year, the animal was caught, taken to the Howell Nature Center Wildlife Rehabilitation Facility for evaluation, then released a short time later in Schoolcraft County in the Upper Peninsula, where they're more native.

Since then, no official sightings of a Canadian Lynx have been reported in Michigan, but that's not to say you couldn't see one at some point.

Threatened/Endangered Species of Michigan

Michigan is home to a LARGE amount of unique Flora and Fauna, but a good portion of its species are on some kind of protected list, whether it be "Threatened," or flat out "Endangered."

Michigan Endangered Species List 2024

The Endangered Species List is much bigger than the couple featured below, but these are some you may have heard of but didn't realize were endangered.

Gallery Credit: Tommy McNeill

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