Hi Idiots.

We're continuing our EOY recap with one of the most problematic-but arguably the funniest-things that can happen on our show: someone cussing and us having to press the "Dump" button to save our tail feathers from the FCC overlords eager to give us a fine for breaking the law.

Dump button
Tommy McNeill / Townsquare Media

It has been an eventful year full of "dump" moments, whether that be from an audio/video clip not getting bleeped, a caller not following proper caller etiquette and cussing on air, to the even rarer moment when a show member swears. I swore within my first month on the show and thought I was done for. Thankfully FB kept me around.

READ MORE: Kelly's Over-Confidence Was Met With A Quick Dump Button |

But I've been a good boy since then, but I can't say the same about the people featured below.

Oh Duty...

Our first highlight comes from one of you Idiots. Duty called in to play DECASMASH!!!! and while she was on hold, the song she was going to guess got guessed by someone else. Let's just say Duty got fraustrated and embraced her namesake.

A Classic FB Word Smish

What happens when you put "effects" and "sucks" together? You get this priceless moment.

Two Hot-Wings Goof Ups

Hot Wings always has something to say, but this time he took a play from Duty's book and said a S word he shouldn't have.

This was a fun one because it was said so casually that almost no one noticed. Hot Wings, in a rare moment of oopsie daises, said the S word. Again.

There were plenty of other moments this year where we had to use the dump button, and now that I am an established hard worker and better at planning ahead, NEXT YEAR's recap wil be much better. Is there a moment I forgot to include? Let me know, and let me know your favorite moment from this year!

FBHW Listener's Wild Secrets They've been Sitting On

Our listeners revealed some secrets.

Gallery Credit: Tommy McNeill

ChatGPT Roasted Each Show Member's Instagram Feeds

Everyone treats their social media accounts differently. Some choose to post with no style involved, with others meticulously coordinate each post on their account. We had AI determine if our profiles were worth looking at our something to mock.

Gallery Credit: Tommy McNeill

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