These Are Free Beer and Hot Wings’ Biggest Fears
Hi Idiots.
Do you remember when you were a kid and you had your parents check under the bed for monsters or had them leave a light on just in case? People have fears that they might not be able to explain why they're afraid of, while others have very very valid fears.
Well, many fears are valid, even if they can be a bit irrational. People suffer from a wide range of fears, ranging from a fear of needles (Trypanophobia) to a fear of flying (aerophobia). But what things do the show fear?
Hot Wings
Around 6% of people suffer from Acrophobia, or the fear of heights, and Hot Wings is among that group.
I didn’t used to think I was afraid of heights. I always thought my distaste for roller coasters, and driving over really tall bridges and stuff had more to do with the motion than the height, but one trip to the Grand Canyon last year told me otherwise.
"When it comes to fears, I guess I have two. One is more an actual fear and the other is just something I am purely disgusted by.
My biggest one is moths. Their bodies are so big, they fly like they're broken and are just generally disgusting. However, I am fascinated by tales of the Mothman and have no issues with butterflies.
My second one is hair. As long as the hair is on someone's head I'm totally fine but the second there's a loose hair somewhere, I gag and can hardly look at it. From finding one just stuck to me to the extreme disgust of finding one in your food or pulling it from a drain...I CAN'T."
Steve made me chuckle when he sent his. Not because of the fear itself (which is anything but funny), but rather the message that accompanied it: "Here's a nice uplifting thought for the day!" The fear itself is one I think we can all relate to.
I fear dying alone. And I don’t just mean being my myself at the moment of death (although that would suck), but I fear that everyone will leave me and I’ll die alone with no one around me who cares.
Free Beer
Free Beer's made me feel a bit ill just because the mental image is...not great. Which makes sense as to why it's a fear. If you've seen Titanic, it's a visual many can relate to.
My all time fear is falling through the ice and drowning while looking up at people who can’t save me.
Like Maitlynn a little bug has found a way to have a ridiculous grip hold on me. I have a fear of ants. I do NOT like them. They're so small but there are so many in one spot, it's rather disorienting. I think they're fascinating creatures but they can stay far away from me. :)
The Pets of Free Beer and Hot Wings
Gallery Credit: Tommy McNeill
The Time Producer Tommy Nearly Killed Free Beer's Dog
Gallery Credit: Tommy McNeill