Hot Wings Was Mad at His Kids For Being Happy – FBHW Segment 16
Today on Segment 16, the guys talk about the freak storm that hit the area on Friday, going from rain to snow to hail to BBs or something. Hot Wings was hoping his family plans outside had been cancelled, until he saw his family out while on his way home.
Hot Wings had scheduled a haircut on Friday, and his wife had asked him to participate in a family event with the kids in Ada. There was a Leprechaun Hunt in downtown Ada, and Hot Wings was resigned to going.
Until the freak storm hit. It got cold and messy out, and he thought he was in the clear. On his way home, he stopped for gas in Ada, looked over, and guess who he saw waving at him?
His wife and kids!
Well, you're screwed now, buddy...looks like you're walking around in the mess! Doesn't matter that you have the wrong shoes on, or whatever. Go hang with the family.
Hot Wings was mad.
The end.