Couple Performs Oral Sex On Stage During Dead Kennedys Show [Video]
It's happened on many occasions over the years where many fans have gotten so riled up over a concert that they may have lost their tops.
However, at a recent Dead Kennedys show in Solana Beach, Calif., took a turn to something a little more freaky.
According to concert-goers, a woman laid down fully exposed on the stage during the band's set, while a male audience member approached and performed a sex act on her. The local ABC affiliate filed a report on the incident in which an audience member said: "This was something definitely different to see at a punk concert."
He added several audience members took pictures of the act, while others just watched for a few seconds then went back to listening to the band.
"I think it was more an oddity. People just saw something strange for a few minutes," said the concert-goer.
The two people involved in the incident were eventually thrown out. Management at the Belly Up Tavern issued a statement" "Of course, we don't condone this activity in our establishment and security stopped it right away. This is certainly a first for us."
ABC 10 inquired as to whether the couple could be charged and learned that they could be subject to a misdemeanor charge for publicly exposing themselves if others are "offended or annoyed." According to the sheriff's department, no complaints were filed.
Watch the ABC 10 news report here.
There are a lot of surprising things from this news story:
- A couple had sex on stage at a Dead Kennedys show.
- The Dead Kennedys are still a band that draws a crowd. Who knew?
So yeah. It happened. Seems pretty gross.
-- Free Beer & Hot Wings contributed to this report.