You would think a priest would know better than to use a Nazi salute allegedly. A Grand Rapids priest who thought it was a joke has now been removed from his job.
Many Detroit Lions fans are soured about losing to the Washington Commanders and killing the team's Super Bowl hopes. Will Michiganders still watch the big game?
If you move to the Upper Peninsula when do you become an actual Yooper? Is it when you hit your first deer with your vehicle? Let's find out what the Yoopers have to say.
There is a pothole in Grand Rapids some say is becoming a small pond. Drivers are claiming the pothole has popped one of their tires. Find out where to avoid this pothole.
It seems like every year a term pops up about stargazing that I had never heard of. Have you heard of the "Planetary Parade?" You can see it now through the end of January.
A Michigan man retired from his job 12 years ago but kept something from the job that allowed him to gas up his vehicle for free. Now he's been charged.