Even Oasis Couldn’t Believe How Much the Black Crowes Fought
The famously battling brothers in Oasis were surprised by the depth of anger between Chris and Rich Robinson.
The Robinsons said Noel and Liam Gallagher got an up close look at the Black Crowes' on-going feud during 2001's ironically named Tour of Brotherly Love.
"We freaked them out," Rich told Howard Stern, in a video attached below. "They were like, 'Whoa, that was even intense for us.'"
Rich went on to recall one particular blowout prior to a show at Merriweather Post Pavilion in Columbia, Md. "Chris was late to soundcheck and everybody was freaking out," Rich said. "So, he and I got into it and our tour manager walked outside, and Liam and Noel were outside the door going, 'Listen to that. Holy shit.'"
Chris argued that they were no different from many of the other bands featuring brothers throughout the history of rock. "Don and Phll Everly, they didn't like each other," he said. "Ray and Dave Davies, they had issues. ... If we had it to do over again, I wouldn't change anything."
Rich added: "The experience teaches you. A lot of times it's the harder things in life that really have the lessons."
The Black Crowes were on Stern's show to announce a reunion tour for the summer of 2020 where they will celebrate the 30th anniversary of their debut, Shake Your Money Maker. The band's last concert together, in February 2014, was followed by years of conflict.
Despite all of those troubles, the Robinsons say they could find middle ground when writing new material. "That was always where all that went away," Rich noted, which led Chris to point out that they didn't let their arguments spill out to the rest of the band.
"You know what it was, too?" Chris asked. "We didn't have anyone else around to fuck with us. We didn't have anybody from management or the other guys in the band, or anyone with any sort of [agenda] to divide and conquer."
The lineup for the Tour of Brotherly Love also included Spacehog, which featured warring siblings, as well.
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