Staff Writer

5 Colorful School Supplies That Your Kids Will Actually Use
Does your child buy school supplies that just end up unused at the bottom of their backpack? This is bad for the environment, your child and your pocket.

Dog Howls Just Like a Canine Version of Chewbacca
Is this dog actually a dog?

This Haunted House Was So Terrifying You Needed to Sign a Waiver to Get In
There's scary. Then, there's this.

Pizza Hut Parka Will Keep You Roasty Toasty Like a Fresh-Baked Pizza
Talk about thinking out of the (pizza) box.

Woman Sues Because She Didn’t Get Enough Junior Mints
This woman has had her fill of not having her fill.

Groom Saves Drowning Boy, Wedding Photographer Captures the Drama
This may be the only time it's acceptable for someone to steal the bride's thunder.

‘Ventriloquist’ Dad Uses Bewildered Baby As a Dummy
This kid isn't quite ready for show business.

Company Selling ‘Love’ Swastika Shirts And, Uh Oh, This Won’t End Well
There are bad ideas and then there are worse ideas.

July 2017 News Bloopers Is the Laugh Riot You Need Right Now
The news: informing us and entertaining us, without even trying.

Feet on Airplane Armrest Is Just Oh-So-Wrong (And Gross)
Snakes on a plane are only slightly more terrifying than finding this on a plane.

Resourceful Dad Creates Ingenious ‘Poor People Roller Coaster’
When life throws you lemons, make lemonade.

Police Responding to Complaint Join In Slip ‘N Slide Fun
We hear so many stories about cops not getting along with citizens that it's nice when you see them acting chummy.