Spud's not your average DJ. He doesn't insult your intelligence or strain his vocal chords doing his best "disc jockey" impression for you every day. What he is is a guy like you who listened to the radio for most of his life, and one day asked, "Why can't a radio LISTENER have a show for a change?" The result is a real person who isn't afraid to speak his mind and doesn't tip-toe around any subject. We tried to show him the results of a focus group one time. He took the print-out and used it to roll a funny little cigarette. We don't do that anymore. Share your inner-most thoughts and feelings with Spud weekday afternoons. Studio Line (616) 770-WGRD

Somebody Taught Their Parrot to Sing “Bodies” by Drowning Pool
And it's the most awesome thing you will ever witness.

Take a Look at LeBron James’ $9 Million Dollar Ocean-Front Miami Mansion
Let's see. . . Cleveland or Miami. . . Cleveland. . . or Miami
Of course he moved to Miami. You can't live like this in Ohio.
Take a look

The Christmas Marijuana Tree
Police raided a house in Germany and found an unusual Christmas Tree in the living room

Top Least Popular Christmas Toys for 2010
Here are a few items to avoid:
Bob the Ground Zero Mosque Builder
Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Retards
Don't Ask, Don't Tell G.I. Joe
Deadly Serious Putty
XBOX 359
Wesley Snipes Prison Shower Rape Playset

Check Out American Bang
Great up-and-coming band, opening up for Alter Bridge tomorrow at the orbit room

Obama Gets Mad, Kicks Door Open After Press Conference
Ok, this would never happen in real life, but it's a very good fake.
So funny.

A Woman in the Background of a Live News Report Fell on Her Ass
This kind of thing is embarrassing when no one sees you do it. Imagine doing it in front of the whole city.
Notice how she just gets right up and tries to pretend it didn't happen.
Crazy Video: Murder Suspect Runs on Highway, Gets Hit by a Mini-Van
He was wanted for strangling his wife in front of their young son. Karma's a bitch.

Finally: Chocolate Milk for Grown-Ups
The two great tastes that taste great together. Chocolate milk and vodka. This will be illegal in a week, guaranteed.

Top Ten Famous Women Who Owe Their Entire Career To Having Big Knockers
If you get caught clicking the link, just tell your wife you're doing research on "Female Objectification" and its negative effects on society. Then say, "Hey look! Sex and the City's on!" Then run out of the room.
When Athletes Attack
On Sunday. Oakland raiders lineman Richard Seymour got ejected for bitch-slapping Ben Roethlisberger. So here's the nine BEST clips of professional athlete steroid rage ever caught on tape.

North Korea Attacks South Korea
Video of North Korean shells exploding on South Korea's Yeonpeong Island.
Don't worry, though. Obama will send a strongly worded letter.