Sara Franks-Allen lives in Lexington, Massachusetts with two dogs, two rabbits and one amazing husband. She writes for the Ladies of Comicazi blog and watches a lot of cartoons.
Sara Franks-Allen

10 Signs You Grew Up in Fraggle Rock
Do you enjoy dancing your cares away? Do you find yourself singing at the slightest provocation? Do the sounds of construction get your mouth watering? All of these and the ten qualities below are signs that you may have grown up in the fun-filled land of Fraggle Rock...

The Truth Behind 10 ‘Sesame Street’ Legends
'Sesame Street' has been using music, humor, and puppets to teach kids valuable life lessons for over 40 years. Like any titan of children's entertainment, it has been the subject of plenty of rumors.

7 Mind-Blowing Disney Urban Legends
A company like Disney, which has been around for ages and maintains a family-friendly image, is bound to be the subject of some strange stories. But are any of them true? Is Walt Disney's body lying frozen beneath the Pirates of the Caribbean ride, waiting to be revived...