I've never been good at filling these things out, but here it goes. I like long walks in cold mountain air, preferably with snow on the ground. I enjoy drinking fine soda by the crackling fire, and deep tissue massage. I hope to one day grow up an become and astronaut, so I can fly to Venus to see if that's really where women come from. If it's true, I'll bring one back for you, too. Unless it's a dude you want, and then you're out of luck...sorry. My favorite month is October, because Halloween is the best holiday ever! It allows me to openly proclaim my love and obsession with scary movies without being seen as some sort of lunatic. Okay, not too much of a lunatic. I'm a huge fan of rock and metal music, and you'll often hear me blasting the control room speakers into oblivion every night during my show. My engineer doesn't like me very much, since he has to fix them. Sorry, Mike.
Johnnie Walker

Red Wings Octopus Throwing Fan Ejected – FBHW Segment 16
Today on Segment 16, the guys check out the latest from Detroit, where the guy who threw the last live octopus on the ice at Joe Louis has now been the first at Little Caesars. He also got ejected, and is in legal trouble, but that's cool, eh?

Brothers, Parties, and Fight Songs with Ray Bentley – FBHW Segment 16
Today on Segment 16, the guys talk with Ray Bentley again, and cover a lot of ground. Parties, fight songs, tricks on brothers, fights, and more!

Snow Plow Rodeo and Free Beer’s New Haircut – FBHW Segment 16
Today on Segment 16, the guys talk about today's Midwest Michigan Snow Plow Rodeo. The winning team will advance to the national finals in Colorado.

Steve’s WWE Day and MI Insurance Changes – FBHW Segment 16
Today on Segment 16, the guys talk about Steve's big WWE event night on Monday, where he got hang with Daniel Bryan. Not Luke Bryan, the country guy, which confused Free Beer a little.

Theory of a Deadman Rocked Grand Rapids at the Intersection on Sunday Night
Sunday night, Theory of a Deadman hit Grand Rapids with Ayron Jones for a great show at the Intersection! WGRD even got to get some ticket winners in to meet the band before the show, and even get first in line when doors open, and that's always a blast.

What’s in a Tequila Sunrise? FBHW Segment 16
Today on Segment 16, the guys hear about Steve's big bartending gig this weekend, and also about the most complicated drink he had to make. Do you know what is in a Tequila Sunrise?

Want to Be a Photographer at the 311 Concert?
The 311 tour hits Grand Rapids on the 19th, and not only can GRD get you in for the show, but we can hook you up with an autographed CD, and a Photo Pit Pass, so you can take photos of the band up close!

WGRD’s Rejected Air Sex Championship Auditions
The Air Sex Championships are coming to Grand Rapids, and we thought we'd share with you our audition tapes. Sort of like auditioning for a movie, but of course all of ours were rejected. We're not sure why.

Who Should Win WWE Ringside Seats at the Van Andel?
We have several pairs of tickets for ringside, and you can help decide who deserves them the most. Are the signs creative? Are the people in them too cute for words? Who looks like they're biggest WWE fans?

Squeezing Goldfish on the Field with Ray Bentley – FBHW Segment 16
Today on Segment 16, the guys talk to Ray Bentley about the Michigan vs Michigan State game, his preferences as a defensive guy, and how he likes to pound the ball! Also, we learn that gouging an eye is sort of like trying to squeeze a goldfish.

Saginaw Car Dealership is Suing the Guy Who Jacked It While Joyriding
Now, the dealership is suing Mr. Pervy Bastard Haskins for $38,000. The total damages to the vehicles and property from his jaunt only came to $12,129.55...so why $38k?

WGRD’s Weird Pop Taste Test – Do They Taste as Described?
I found a bunch of weird pop at a store in Grand Rapids, and decided to try them out on some of the staff, to see how they taste. Do they taste anything like described, and are they any good?