
Bring “Two Cans” To Celebrate The New Toucans At John Ball Zoo
John Ball Zoo is celebrating the arrival of two new toucans to the zoo by offering a deal on admission.

MSU Graduate Made An App That Pays Your Parking Tickets
Former MSU football player Christopher Laneaux also knows the pain of parking tickets at MSU.

Meijer is Giving Teachers 15% Off School Supplies Until September
Meijer is here to help all teachers! They're giving 15% off school essentials until September 28th. Some of these sale items include spiral bound notebooks, planners, backpacks, and more.

MSU Board of Trustees Selects New President
The search is finally over. On May 28th, the MSU Board of Trustees ended search for a new President by naming Samual M. Stanley Jr., MD as MSU's 21st president.

Elon Musk Pledges To Fix Flint Water Crisis
The man that just keeps on giving. Days after he sent over a submarine to Thailand to potentially help the soccer team stuck in the cave, Spacex and Tesla CEO Elon Musk has committed to install water filters to the homes in Flint that still have unsafe drinking water. Here's the conversation that started it all:

Parts of Michigan Are Under Extreme Fire Danger
Northern Michigan is having a fire problem. Wildfire risk levels range from high to extreme across areas of the north, with the area around Big Rapids in the "extreme" threat level. The DNR reports 20 wildfires in a 30 mile radius around Twin Lake.

Muhammed Ali’s Michigan Estate Goes On Sale
The Ali family has placed the Michigan estate of Muhammed Ali on the market for $2.8 Million. The 81 acre property is located in Berrien Springs, south of Kalamazoo.

100th Street Bridge Gets Some Much Needed Help
The poor 100th street bridge! The bridge has already been hit eight times since January. The lower than normal bridge is clearly labeled and there are warning signs well before the bridge to warn trucks of the upcoming obstacle.

Some Michigan Residents Do NOT Like Fireworks
It's fireworks season in Michigan, and a lot of people aren't happy about it. Under the current Michigan law, fireworks are allowed on holidays such as the Fourth of July and the day before and after. The law also states that fireworks are not allowed between midnight and 8:00 AM...