Cameron Simcik is a graduate of Bucknell University. She has written for Her Campus and is currently the Philadelphia Travel City Editor for The Daily Meal and a contributing writer for TheFW and GuySpeed.
Cameron Simcik
11 Hilariously Revealing Search Histories
Where would we be without search engines? With so much info at our fingertips, chances are eliminating a site like Google would make the world implode into confusion. And while our dependence on technology might be a little crazy at times, there is an upside to it all-- search engine histories reveal a lot of hilarious stuff about people.
9 Hilariously Painful Treadmill Fails
If there's one thing humans rule at most, it's creating the funniest fails to ever hit the Web. This is particularly true when the circumstances involve a little risk, a lot of courage and a whole lot of oblivion. Ladies and gents, say hello to treadmill fails.
10 Completely Unnecessary Signs
Signs are usually important. Well, besides the confusing sort or the total fails. But even those serve to share notable information with fellow citizens, or at least attempt to do so. But there are the select few signs that are unnecessary. Like, really unnecessary.
11 Amazing Etch-A-Sketch Creations
Etch-A-Sketches are one of those childhood toys that never go out of style. If you're like most people, a few hours' worth of entertainment usually produced some pretty bad art, although it never really mattered. But there are the select few who are really good at Etch-A-Sketching. Like, really really good.
10 Hilarious Handmade Signs That Will Grab Your Attention
We've gotta hand it to the sign-makers of the world. They come up with some pretty creative stuff that makes us scratch our heads and get in boozy moods. But the street signers? Well, they're a whole 'nother funny animal.
11 Awesome Examples of Banana Art
The great thing about art is that we can express ourselves in endless ways. Feeling inspired by Grumpy Cat? Paint a detailed portrait of Tardar Sauce-- we won't judge. Or maybe 'Star Wars' gets you all jazzed. Heck, make a Lego scene to reflect those feelings! It's all fun in our books, and we're especially fans of the offbeat type of art, like that of the banana variety.
9 Animals Confused By Trampolines
Raise your hand if you love trampolines! We sure do, particularly because they're like an instant way to revisit our inner five-year-old. While trampolines are no doubt fun, they can be hilariously painful, too (see: epic fails). If you think about it, though, the trampoline concept is also straight up confusing. That's why these animals are all, "what the heck, man?!"
10 Extreme Patriotic Tattoos
With July 4th coming up, a lot of us are getting in the patriotic spirit with firework GIFs and festive food. But you know what? Celebrating 'merica doesn't only have to happen once every July. These people are showing off their patriotism year round!
11 Optical Illusions That’ll Make You Look Twice
Optical illusions can play some really weird tricks on our brains. We think we're looking at one thing and then... sike! It's something else. Honestly, what the heck. But you know the best type of illusions? The photograph kind, because they can be all sorts of awesome, strange and funny...
10 Nightmare-Inducing Eyelid Tattoos
Getting a tattoo is an awesome way to express oneself, but a decent amount of thought should go into getting inked because, well, they're permanent. We'll take a wild guess and say you might not be a fan of that eyelid tattoo in a couple decades, either.
11 Festive Ways To Eat Through the 4th of July
We're all entitled to our own opinions, but food is arguably the best part of any holiday. See, eating our way through this sort of celebration is an automatic win-win-- we're happy, our stomach's are happy, everyone's happy.
11 People Who Totally Regret Ever Getting on a Swing
Just like going down the playground slide is a fun (and sometimes painful) way to revisit childhood, so to are swings. The thing about swings, though, is there's a risk factor involved from the get-go. You know that game where you swing and swing and then try to jump off and go really far? Or the one where you try to go super high? Sure it's fun stuff, but we have two words for you: fail central.