Listen. If you had asked me back in the day if JNCO jeans were ugly, my honest answer would have been yes.

The giant jeans were unflattering and made everyone look dumpy.

But hearing teenagers today dog on the fashion trend from the '90s makes me want to actually defend the pants.

"You are not capable of walking in these!"


You didn't need to walk if you were a teenager rocking JNCO Jeans in the '90s, OK?

You needed all that room for doing sweet tricks on your skateboard. Or skanking.

"These would be good for today because you could fit like a whole iPad in the pocket."

Shut up. Back then not every kid had an electronic device attached to their body at all times. Unless you're talking about Giga Pets. Or Walkmans. Those we had.

Although, some of the teens I don't mind too much:

"To be honest, I'd rather see this on people than the tight skinny jeans we wear now."

Thank you.

While watching this video has made me a bit nostalgic for the '90s and defensive of the fashion trends from my own teen years, I'm still not sure JNCOs need to make a comeback.


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