Happy 2011 bitches!
Happy 2011 bitches!
Happy 2011 bitches!
Thanks to everyone who's coming down to our big downtown event!  And for all the support through 2010!  Let's hope 2011 is even better.
Griffins 11/26
Griffins 11/26
Griffins 11/26
The GRD roadies went out to the Griffins game on Black Friday - signed you up to win Ozzy tickets and gave you free swag!
ThinkFast 2010
ThinkFast 2010
ThinkFast 2010
The Free Beer and Hot Wings Show hosted another edition of the Big Fancy ThinkFast Game show, Thanksgiving night at the Orbit Room!
What Happened On Todays Show
What Happened On Todays Show
What Happened On Todays Show
Hour 1 We started this morning talking about how Producer Joe hides in his booth when he is being beaten up for something on the air. He compared it to how he used to hide when his parents would fight as a kid leads. This then led some talk on the gross beer his dad drinks like PBR.
Holiday Break-in
Holiday Break-in
Holiday Break-in
Each year around the holidays, we make it a point to stop all of the mocking and joking around for at least one day, and use the reach that this radio show has to do some good.