
How Many Solar Panels Will It Take to Power the World?
How Many Solar Panels Will It Take to Power the World?
How Many Solar Panels Will It Take to Power the World?
How much power do you use every day? How much does the world use? Would it be possible to switch away from fossil fuels and go totally solar powered? Sure, you can cover your roof with panels, but you'd still have to be connected to the grid, so what's the solution? Apparently, not as much (or as little) as you'd think! Or is it?
Solar Freakin’ Roadways are for Real Go Support This – Update
Solar Freakin’ Roadways are for Real Go Support This – Update
Solar Freakin’ Roadways are for Real Go Support This – Update
A few weeks ago, I posted about this engineering couple that came up with the coolest thing: Solar Roadways!  These hexagonal panels are built to be roads, parking lots, sidewalks...and they not only have solar panels built into them, but also LEDs to be able to display information, light your way as you drive or walk, and more! Unfortunately, their Indigogo video was boring as hell, so some lunat
Solar Roadways Crowd Sourcing New Road and Parking Lot Tech – This is Cool
Solar Roadways Crowd Sourcing New Road and Parking Lot Tech – This is Cool
Solar Roadways Crowd Sourcing New Road and Parking Lot Tech – This is Cool
The video is kind of dry, and low-buck-style, but the tech seems pretty cool, and the idea is nice.  Imagine all the roads being replaced with screens that can update road conditions, melt the snow off itself, provide it's own lighting, collect power for cars and cities, and transmit wifi signals for us while we drive!  Solar Roadways is the Indiegogo campaign to bring all this to us.